Sunday, August 18, 2013

DIY Dishwasher Soap

Because I have what is called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (or MCS), I have to be really careful about scented and perfumed products.  I make a lot of what we use for cleaning and body care.  And what is so cool is that the home-made stuff usually works way better than store-bought, and it's way cheaper!

Dishwasher Detergent

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Citric Acid
1/2 cup Sea Salt (for scrubbing action)

Mix all of it together and store in a plastic bag or a jar of some sort.

The citric acid can make the mix clump up, but it works fine anyway.  If the clumps bother you, you can leave the mixture out on the counter for a couple of days, stirring it several times each day.  That should take care of getting rid of the problem.

I get Borax and Washing Soda at WalMart.  Citric Acid through Azure Standard, and Sea Salt at Trader Joe's.

If you're looking for a rinsing aid, filling the appropriate cup in your dishwasher with white vinegar will do the trick.  Way cheaper than buying a brand name.

My source for this recipe is

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